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ColorSource Spot V

Affordable quality for every venue
An LED luminaire crafted by lighting experts with a proven history of quality spot fixtures, ColorSource Spot V brings a richness of color, increased brightness, and leading technology at a price point you’ll love.

Color integrity
ColorSource Spot V is factory-calibrated to ensure consistency beteween today’s fixtures, and the ones you’ll use five years from now. The thermal management algorithms built into every ColorSource V fixture ensure that the colors you choose in rehearsal are the colors you get during the show.

A more sustainable theatre
Lower Watts
Lower watts for more output means lower power consumption and increased luminaires per circuit. But, perhaps just as importantly, it means lower heat, which leads to quieter fans and quieter fixtures overall. ETC obsesses over every detail, ensuring that the fixture you buy today will still be lighting incredible shows for years to come.

Long, light life
The entire ColorSource Spot V fixture has an L70 rating of 54,000 hours. To put that in perspective, with an average per-day usage of three hours, seven days a week, you are looking at a lifespan of 50 years from one single fixture.

You’ll feel confident in ColorSource Spot V lighting your stage for a long time to come.

Adapt your Spot V
Fixed Spot
ETC set the standard for fixed-focus lenses, ranging from 5 to 90°. Whether you chose standard, EDLT, or XDLT lenses, you’re getting high-quality optics that have proven themselves for over 30 years.

Zoom Spot
Zoom lens tubes enable the ultimate in spotlight flexibility. One-handed zoom/focus operation makes ColorSource easy to adjust in any position. Available in 25-50° or 15-30° ranges.

Fresnel Adapter
ColorSource Spot V with a Fresnel Adapter unlocks dazzling washes with delicately soft edges, smooth overlap, and even distribution, seamlessly blending from fixture to fixture. Try it with barndoors!

CYC Adapter
The CYC Adapter transforms your ColorSource Spot V into a powerful tool that turns ordinary cycloramas and backdrops into color-rich, eye-catching works of art.

 ColorSource Spot V

ETC ColorSource Spot V

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