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Produits et technologie

Studio Due Case Study

Lighting installation for the Falkirk Wheel

The Falkirk Wheel is a rotating boat lift in central Scotland connecting the Forth and Clyde Canal with the Union Canal. The dramatic structure opened in 2002 as part of the Millennium Link project. Since then, it has become a popular tourist attraction - encouraged by the addition of a visitor centre - and attracts around 500,000 visitors each year.

Falkirk Wheel underside and legs are lit by Studio Due ArchiLED 200 and Archibar 300 fixtures with the “hoops” being lit by Studio Due Smart Max units.
Parts of The Wheel were originally lit with Studio Due Citycolor discharge 2.5kw output. These were replaced by Studio Due Single 40 and Dual 80 LED fixtures resulting in significant energy savings.

Studio Due Case Study
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